To #LiveLikeReese, one should:
- Show kindness, especially to someone who seems alone. - Sit with someone at lunch who is sitting by themselves. - Find joy in teaching and being a friend to someone with special needs. - Share your faith when you feel someone is making unhealthy decisions. - Take initiative, without being told, to pick up and clean up in a public place. - Help your teacher set up for class or help straighten the room at the end. - Take the lead in your family by helping with your siblings. - Pack extra food in your lunch to share with your friends. - Raise a little extra money to pay a fee for a student who can’t. - Always prepare for rain, PACK A PONCHO. - Bring a change of clothes, you never know. - Put those extra clothes in a Ziploc bag. Keep them with you at all times. - Make a list, read the list, do the list. If it has a dinosaur on it, buy it for your or your friends. Be a crafter. Crafting is essential to a happy life. These are all things that have been observed from our precious girl, Reese Erin Barker. She continues to be a positive influence in the lives of those who knew her and loved her. Let her life and love influence you as well. You too, can make a difference in this world, you too can be the positive in someone’s life. Live like a servant. Live like a leader. Live like Reese. Comment your favorite memories with Reese, or share how you are Living Like Reese!
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Andrew Johnson Tower, 9th Floor 710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 [email protected] |